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Grandma Lydia's Scrapbook

This gallery contains photographs from my Grandma Lydia Palm’s scrapbook. She created the scrapbook when she was a young woman and held onto it until very near the end of her life in the late 1980's when she gave it to me. I was 17 years old, about the same age she was in some of the pictures. 


The scrapbook itself was small, about 8x5 inches, made of dark brown paper and was disintegrating and torn. Its pages were not full, having clearly lost most of its contents over the years, but it did still contain these wonderful, playful photographs. All of the photos were adhered to the paper and were badly worn and damaged when I received the scrapbook. At that time, I did not know how to preserve the paper scrapbook, so at some point I removed the photographs and kept them in an archival box. 


Grandma Lydia told me that the pictures were taken in around Crookston and Winger, Minnesota with a few from other locations. She was born in July of 1910. So, based on the pictures of her included in the scrapbook, I estimate that they were taken from the mid-1920’s to the mid-1930’s. She told me the names of everyone pictured, but unfortunately, I did not write the information down. All the handwriting you see on the photos is her own, and I have added whatever notes were on the back in the description of each photo. If a photo does not have a title, it is because nothing was written on it, and I do not know the identity of the person. Click on individual photos to enlarge them. 

As you can see from these photographs Grandma Lydia was a lot of fun! When I was a child, I spent hours and hours with her, learning all her jokes and stories and enjoying every minute of her joyous presence. This gallery is created in her honor - enjoy! Also be sure to see my blog post "Encircle Me" about Lydia.

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