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"I'd Like To Think It Was Uncle Pete"

Back in 1975 my dad’s cousin David wrote the article reprinted below about my Grandpa Pete. David is a retired and former reporter, editorial writer and columnist for The Seattle Times. He gave me permission to post this article on my website, as did The Seattle Times.

Please click here to see my blog post about what this article means to me.



Grandpa Pete, 1927

My Grandpa Pete by the Cedar River, King County, WA

 circa 1927

1975 Seattle Times Article About Grandpa Pete by David Suffia
Dad and Grandpa, Renton Hill, circa 1941
Grandpa Pete, late 1950's

Grandpa Pete, circa late 1950's

Dad and Grandpa, Renton Hill, circa 1954

Dad and Grandpa, behind their house on Renton Hill, circa 1954

Dad and Grandpa, Renton Hill,

circa 1941

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